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Copywriting and content writing services in Cambridgeshire

Engaging and impactful writing that will make your business stand out.

Here's how I can help you

Click a service below to find out more

What is a copy and content writer?

Typing on a Laptop

Think of a copy and content writer as the person who puts your business into words;  words that make sense to your customer, and make a difference to the way they think about your business and interact with it.


Whatever the size of your business it can be challenging to develop the skills and find the time to craft impactful copy - copy that has the sort of personality and quality that AI simply can't achieve yet.  And that's where I come in.


Get in touch with me for  a no obligation chat about how copy and content writing might help your business.

Communications Strategy

Want a structure and plan for the year ahead? 

It can be overwhelming to create a structure and plan around all the things that you want to talk about with your customers.  Even if it's something you're confident doing, it is time consuming and not always your top priority.

You might need a launch plan for a brand new business, or perhaps you just need to streamline some of the great work you're already doing.  Whether it's identifying the best places to find and speak to your prospective customers, or finding an authentic and unique voice with which to speak to them, I am looking forward to helping you find the combination that works for you.

Sales Copy Writing

Need words that can reliably convert sales?

Powerful copywriting that generates leads and converts sales in a way that stays authentic to your brand and avoids pushy sales tactics is one of the most valuable elements of your marketing plan.

Perhaps you need an impactful email sequence, a punchy set of
 product descriptions on your website or a series of engaging social media posts.  You might want to find the right words to showcase a new lead magnet or perhaps you just need to chat through your options with someone who can guide you through the process of creating a plan. 

Content Writing

Need engaging and informative content that showcases your expertise and improves your search ranking?

Good content writing helps you connect with your customers.  It shows that you understand their needs and positions you as a trusted expert in your field while also boosting your search engine presence.

Sound like something you need?  Take a look at my content writing services or get in touch to find out more.

Website Copy

Is your web copy more "accident" than "excellent"?
Your website is the window into your business.  It's a way for future customers to decide whether you are right for them.  Good website copy should sound like you, be easily understood, and convert visitors into customers.  It also needs to help customers find your site in the first place by applying the right SEO principles.

If this sounds like something you need, click below for more information on my web copy services, or get in touch for a chat.

Not sure what you need?

No problem!
Most people I work with know they need to do something, but they're not sure exactly what sort of writing they need.  I'm here to listen to your business goals and let you know what options might work for you.

Working with me
It always helps to know what the process will be...

1. A Chat I'm more familiar with you and your business and so that you can get to know me.

4. A Brief

I'll send you a short form to fill out so I know more details about the project (tone of voice etc)

2. A proposal

based on our chat, I'll outline the work that I recommend for your budget

5. The Work

I'll send you the completed work and then you can let me know what revisions need making.

3. A Contract

If you're happy with the proposal then I'll send you my contract and an invoice for the first 50%

6. All done

I'll send you an invoice for the final 50% payment and the final piece of work after the requested edits

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